Navigating around the JAMS System (Lists)

Last updated: 25 September 2023 at 16:47:15 UTC by Junari Assistant

This wiki provides guidance on the overall navigation of the Junari system.   Most screens (lists and individual record details screens) work in a consistent way, so once you’ve learned one then it’s the same across the system


Sorting is rearranging columns either alphabetically or numerically.  Columns can be sorted wherever there is an arrow beside a column heading in the CRM.  The Contacts Module has been used throughout the examples but sorting, filtering, adding to dashboard and sometimes grouping can be performed in any of the other modules including Customer Service, Invoicing and Events.

Example   Menu>Contacts

Click on the down arrow beside Name  to sort the list alphabetically A-Z

Click on the arrow again and the order will be reversed Z-A

Click refresh     to return the list to the original order


Simple Searches

Example  In Contacts, search for a name.  Click in the Search Bar and start typing a name.  Remember: Less is more!

Click Search Name for: Wick

Any name including the word Wick will be listed

To de-activate the search click the cross beside Wick in the Search bar.


Searches by Filtering

Further sorting of data can be achieved by filtering.

Example  In Contacts, click on Filters to see the different Contacts categories


Select a category e.g. Chair

All the Contacts tagged as Chair will be listed

To return to the original list, uncheck Chair or click the cross beside Chair in the Search bar.


Searches by Grouping

Example  In Contacts, select Group By

Click on Organisation  and the data is grouped into organisations

Each group can be expanded to see the different entries.

Each entry can be selected to drill down to their individual Contact Card

Custom Filters and Custom Groups

Custom Filters are available at the end of the Filters list

Example  In Contacts,  select Filters>Custom Filter

Click the drop down list beside Account Payable and select Created on

In the second field, choose the parameter is between

And in the fields below, select the required dates.  Then click Apply

Custom Groups can be created in exactly the same way by clicking on Group By>Custom Group

Hints and Tips : Further conditions can be created by clicking Add a condition


Saving Searches

Searches by sorting, filtering and grouping can be saved in Favourites

Example  In Contacts, select Favourites

Give the search a name and click Save. The search can be de-activated by clicking on the cross in the search bar or un-checking the search name in the Favourites drop-down list.  It can be deleted by clicking on the recycle bin in the Favourites drop-down list.

Saving Searches to the Dashboard

Example  In Contacts, click on Filters and select Chair

Click Favourites, select Add to my dashboard and give the search a name.


Then refresh the browser.

Click on Menu>Dashboards to see the saved search.  Click on the minus sign to minimise the search and the plus sign to expand.  Click on the cross to delete the search.

Each entry can be selected to see their contact card and edit any details.

In Contacts, click on Filters and select Custom Filter

Click Add Custom Filter.  From the drop-down list select Tags.  In the second field choose contains and in the third field, type Former Clerk.  Click Apply

Click on Favourites>Add to my Dashboard

Give the search a name e.g. Former Clerks and click Add.  Remember to click Refresh so the search can be seen on the Dashboard.  Then click Menu>Dashboards.

The Reports/Searches can be re-ordered on the Dashboard.  Hover the mouse over the search until the cursor turns into a cross.  Hold down the mouse and move the search.