(being edited) Setting up and managing area forums for member councils

Last updated: 1 December 2023 at 21:18:54 UTC by Sally Longmate

Area forums are automated using the Odoo Events APP. and linked to the SALC Shared Documents ONE DRIVE folder. "area forums and notes".

  • annually set up a new folder for the year on OneDrive following the SALC file plan - the link to this folder should also be reset and added to the email templates for security purposes

  • annually set up a reoccurring meeting in Zoom - this will be copied and added to the email templates

  • annually review the email templates generally to see if they need any additional information, such as a change in policy on cancellations or contact details

Each area forum has its own category so that this is linked to the appropriate email templates.  There are also email templates for each area forum.

  • STEP 1 - copy the email templates for an existing area forum and rename it, add the links to the folders ONE DRIVE and the Zoom Room.  Rename the template in line with the existing naming convention.

  • STEP 2 - copy an existing area forum event that is linked to a webpage so that the design can be replicated.  Cancel the event and reset to draft and delete all the ticket and communication settings and save.

  • STEP 3 - go to the event categories and copy an existing area forum category and rename.  Check / amend the ticket registration to FREE and make sure the Area Forum registration product is selected.  

  • STEP 4 - under communications delete the existing communications except the registration one which is standard in all events.  Add the email templates in the following order to replicate how all other area forums automated emails are set up (see table below). SAVE

  • STEP 5 - Go back to the event and edit (and cancel and reset to draft if it is not already in draft).  Change the event category to the new one you have set up.  Double check that the registration is set to FREE and not the name of the event and that the communications match those below.  Set the correct date and time for the event. SAVE

  • STEP 6 - Go to the website and check all details are correctly showing.  Finally, amend the hyperlink for the notes to the correct ONE DRIVE folder for that area.  SAVE

Registration - to go immediately after registration
Zoom/notes - to go to delegate 5 days before the event
Area forum reminder - to go 3 days before the event
Notes/book again - to go 3 days after the event