Navigating around the JAMS System (Lists)

Last updated: 25 September 2023 at 16:47:15 UTC by Junari Assistant

This wiki provides guidance on the overall navigation of the Junari system.   Most screens (lists and individual record details screens) work in a consistent way, so once you’ve learned one then it’s the same across the system


One of the default views when you first enter a module (i.e. Address Book / Memberships) within the system is the 'List View'

These look like:

Optional (hidden) columns -  Remembered per user

There may be columns that are hidden by default, as they are not 'key' data needed, however you still may want to see these.

At the very right hand side of the header row of the list there is an elipses dropdown list which shows all the columns available within that list, you can tick or untick these columns to be able to show them within the list

List Filters

There are a number of filters available by default on lists, under the 'Filters' dropdown list under the search bar

If you cannot find the field you wish to filter on in the available list, there is an option to 'Add Custom Filter' at the bottom of this dropdown list

Here you can choose any field available on the record to filter and choose which method to filter on (i.e. contains, equals, greater than, is set)
(If you are unsure of any filters you wish to add email for assistance)

When filters are applied they can are added to the search bar, and can be removed if necessary

Group by

The 'Group By' dropdown list lets you group the list records on various fields by default, this sections the records within list and also counts how many records are in each section

As with filtering, if there is a field you wish to group on that isn't in the default list, you are able to 'Add Custom Group' which will give you access to all available fields on the record to group by

How to display more than 80 records at a time

By default the list view will show you 80 records on one page and you are able to cycle through the pages using the left and right arrows

To be able to see more than 80 records at a time, double click the numbers 1-80, this will allow you to enter a number of records you would like to view per page

Multi-select actions

Within certain list views you are able to edit multiple records at a time

To do this select the records you wish to edit with the checkbox on the left hand side and then click into a field you wish to update on any of the selected rows

Update the value - this will then show the below message, once you click okay all records selected will be updated to the specified value