Managing Portal Cards & their visibility via User Groups.

Last updated: 21 August 2024 at 13:30:22 UTC by Administrator


The way access to Portal Cards works in Junari Portal is very simple.
A Portal Card can be restricted to specific User Groups then those User Groups can be assigned to Portal Roles and Portal Roles can be assigned to Users. 

Creating Portal Card & User Group:

1. Start by creating a Portal Card. To do that you need to head to Websites & Portals from your Apps. 

2. From the tabs select Portal and then Portal Module Cards.

3. From there Click "Create"

4. Now you can customize your Portal Card. You can always update it in the future for now we just want a blank Portal Card so that we can assign it to a group.  After you fill out all the information select "Add a line" Under "Group Name":

5. From here you can either select an Existing Group or create a new one. For purpose of this guide we will be creating a new group. 

6. Here fill out the name as well as Portal Group? checkmark - so that this can be linked to a Portal Role later. You do not have to select an Application.

Make sure to add yourself as a user to this group before saving!

7.  If you forgot to add yourself as a user before saving you will receive the following error message:

In this case do not worry. Just head to Users  & Settings and then from tabs select "Groups" and search for the group you just created. Then add yourself to that group. 


Now we have created a Portal Card that is restricted to only a certain User Group and we also created that User Group. The last step is creating a Portal User Role so that we can easily award users access to this card. An alternative to this would be to first create the User Group from the Users & Settings "Groups" sub tab and creating a Portal Card either as second or last step. 

Creating User Portal Role:

1. From your Apps go to Address Book and then head to Configuration tab and Portal Roles. 

2. From here we create a new Portal Role:

3. From here we set a name for the Role and we link it to the User Group we created previously, you can even link it to a tag so that the access is awarded through a tag as well:

Now we can award Users : Portal Roles or Tags(if linked to the Portal Role) and that will hide and unhide the Portal Card we created for users.

Remember that in order for Internal Users to see these cards they also have to be awarded appropriate Tags/Roles.