Types of events, categorisation and tags

Last updated: 25 September 2023 at 16:47:15 UTC by Junari Assistant

To help manage a variety of types of events tags and categories can be used. 

From within the events app – main menu CATEGORISATION - select event tags and categories from the drop downlist. 


Select CREATE and name your category a title and then add tags associated with that title – see example below.


Now set up your templates from within the events app – main menu CATEGORISATION - select event templates from the dropdown list. 


·        Select CREATE and name your template.

·        Automatically two communication choices will appear – DO NOT REMOVE or adjust “event registration”. 

·        You can add your own email templates (assuming these are set up), adjust timing and sequence of any subsequent communications at this stage if you wish or later on.

·        TIP you can also create a generic template and adjust a number of things when setting up individual events if you wish.  You would then still be to duplicate the event and inherit the bespoke settings.

·        Add any tags as required and other settings such as limited places or whether you wish to ask delegates questions.

·        If you tick the “ticketing” box a standard registration product will display with a value of £10 which can be adjusted as necessary – for FREE events change value to £0.

Finally, you can customise stages for your events under main menu CATEGORISATION – select event stages from the dropdown list.