We're gradually moving selected FAQs to this online knowledgeable, from this original document .
Yes, it’s possible to add custom fields that can be used for Address Book entries and all Membershi…
You can use each Event's automated emails to achieve this. Associate a fixed zoom link with each Ev…
There is a lot of customisability available for each individual user, although in the early release…
Overview You can use the Junari portal to do the following: Log tasks (tickets) which will then be…
It varies based on each ALC’s requirements, and how many have signed up to a tranche. After Suffolk…
Most dropdown lists in the system can be categorised - including for example: Enquiry Categories. 9…
Data Import is included as part of each ALC’s initial investment - and we will use “reasonable” jud…
Pre-implementation Please confirm this to be a requirement during your implementation Notes If you…
XML feeds could be added to the system. We’ve logged this as a feature request, which you’ll be abl…
You can add links to Office 365 folders via the Website CMS (Website Designer). Note: Ensure that a…
The monthly fees include: Hosting (i.e. highly secure storage of the system itself, and your data,…