There are numerous ways administrators can access data associated with events for reporting purpose…
The events app will help manage the variety of events a county association organises and can benefi…
With the Event Registration Portal page customers now have the ability to self service cancellation…
Disclaimer: This functionality is disabled by default. You can enable it in Settings - Events : If…
Disclaimer: This functionality only works for signed in users that have access to booking events. W…
The attendance view was amended to add color highlighting based on status and add a DNA action butt…
Two new Portal Cards have been added which are interlinked(each can be access from inside each othe…
When an event has tickets that have a price on them, when a portal user books attendees on events,…
Settings Turn on the 'Coupons & Promotions' Setting within the Settings area The key difference bet…
From the events app create an event – give your event a title – add details of organiser – date and…
To help manage a variety of types of events tags and categories can be used. From within the events…