Training Paths: All Users

9 articles

010. Getting Started

Overview This pathway covers the basic training which all ALC users should undertake as an introduc…

020. Contacts and membership

Overview This pathway covers the main database for all contacts, categorised by clerk, councillor,…

030. Customer service (enquiries) and portal

Overview This pathway covers how to deal with enquiries received from member councils. Links to fol…

060. Events and e-learning

Overview This pathway covers how to set up paid/unpaid events and the administrative side including…

080. Email marketing/mailshots and surveys

Overview This pathway covers newsletters, direct mailshots using contact groups including schedulin…

080. Website

Overview This pathway covers the member portal including invitation, password management, administr…

090. Dashboards and Reporting

Overview This pathway covers all types of dashboards including set up for individuals and shared da…

100. Invoicing

Overview This pathway covers sales and invoicing. Links to follow Invoicing

110. Knowledgebase

Overview This pathway covers how to capture, navigate and manage knowledge and information. Links t…